The Whites Bay trails are a ‘must do’ if you are visiting Marlborough.  From tight and technical hand dug downhill tracks to the rocky and rooty native single track on the loop track and Pukaka track, these tracks are not to be missed. 
Please be aware these trails are also Walking Tracks so expect walkers!


Whites Bay Loop Track and Mt Robertson | Grade 3 and 4

This is the trail that has featured on the first day of the NZ Enduro.
Once at Whites Bay campground follow the gravel Port Underwood road north. After approx. 30 mins of riding and climbing you will reach the 4wd track that leads you up the hill.
After a little grunt work up the hill you will reach a flat carpark area where the track turns into a native single track. Use the excuse of a spectacular view to catch your breath and snap off a few selfies. From here ride or ‘push’ through the pain for another 30mins and you will reach the T intersection. Don’t give up, it is definitely worth it!

If the legs and lungs are still feeling fresh turn right and continue up to Mt Robertson. At the top you will be rewarded with panoramic views of Marlborough and the Marlborough Sounds. 
Return back down the same track for a fast blast back down to the T intersection, from here carry on straight ahead (or if you didn’t head up Mt Robertson, turn left) and tackle the Whites Bay loop track. This really is an incredible ride. 

The start is super-fast, bouncing off roots and ducking and weaving between the tight trees. Don’t get complacent though as this soon evolves into a track with unforgiving rocky sections and off camber sidles and descents. After a few pedally sections and a sneaky little climb you will then descend into a fast tight section down to the ‘Pylon’, either follow the 4wd track down or head straight past the pylon and continue along the hand dug trails to the road.
Return to Whites Bay for a refreshing swim!



Whites Bay to Pukaka Valley | Grade 5
If you want to test your skills and nerve on a true natural native single track then this is for you. Follow the directions for the Whites Bay loop Track up to the T intersection. Descend down the ‘loop track’. After a steep rough almost off camber section and then the fast rough section with the rocky outcrops you will come onto a smooth flat section where you will pedal. You have gone a touch to far, where you hit the smooth section the ‘Pukaka track’ heads off to your right. As the section beforehand hand is super-fast and fun the turn off is easily missed.

This trail is a big step up from the loop track, fast and narrow, loose and sketchy, then fast and wild!! This trail emerges out on to the Pukaka Valley (gravel) walking track, follow this out to the carpark. In an ideal world you will have organised a shuttle but if not or if you forgot the shuttle keys, the ride out of the valley isn’t too bad!

Please let us know if you add this to TRAILFORKS!


Whites Bay DH – Double Eagle Track | Grade 3 DH Trail
This track starts from the top of the 4wd track (see directions for the loop track) on the left just through the wooden barrier.
A short and sweet DH trail.
All hand dug but kept very ‘natural’ in places.
There are a few man made gap jumps but all have lines around the sides. 
As the majority of the track has a solid clay base it is generally considered unrideable in the wet, unless you really enjoy a slip and slide!
If you have a capable 4wd with decent ground clearance you can shuttle this track. 2wds or low 4wds will not be able to get up the 4wd track and with limited turnaround points. Please don’t try.
Check out THIS LINK for some great footage of local legend Justin Leov riding this track!

Pukaka DH Track | Grade 3 DH Trail
This trail is situated in a forestry block within the Pukaka valley, currently a key and forestry permission is required to shuttle this track.
By riding up the Pukaka valley walking track from the carpark you can access the bottom of the track and ‘hike a bike’.
After 5 mins of riding along the walking track there is a side track to the left and a river crossing. Continue on veering to your left along a grass and scrubby 4wd track. This will lead you to the bottom of the track.
The start of the track is on a firebreak with a few fun jumps, it the then drops into a mix forest of native and large pine plantation.
A super fun track and by no means limited to DH bikes.
There a few old wooden structures at the bottom that would be best avoided.
Keep an eye out on our events page for DH races.

Please let us know if you add this to TRAILFORKS!