Marlborough Mountain Bike Club

Committee Meeting Agenda for 19 September 2015

1.         Present: Stephen Bradley, John Pickering, Chris Mildon, Matt Squire, Aaron Black, Kathryn Richards, Keith Westoby, Rachel Madsen, Steve Wilkes, Kevin Wilson, Pete Webster, Sven Herselman, Justin Kenward.

2.         Apologies: Aana McLuckie, Andrew Benger, Chris McKendry. Proposed: Justin. Second: Sven


3.             Previous Minutes       July, 15, 2015.             Proposed: Sven.          Second: Aaron.

4.          Matters Arising:

5.         Treasurers Report:  Proposed:  Stephen                 Second: Kevin


6.            Membership Update: Half the subs are in, compared with last year, despite several reminders.           

7.         Correspondence

a. Email dated August 24 from Gil Peters RE Kiwi Crusade mountain bike race

b. Email dated August 27 from Dale Ashworth RE the Gumboot Games

c. Email dated August 29 from Ainslie and Robin Green RE rec ride on Bluff Station, alleging we trespassed and scared their cattle.


a. Email dated September 14 from Sven Herselman to Ainslie and Robin Green RE rec ride on Bluff Station, explaining that cattle were not spooked an every effort was taken to usher them off the road.

8.         Updates         

 a.            Publicity: Kathryn to take up this job.

b.            Website: Kat Pickford to be approached to help improve site, once she gets back from holiday. Matt Squire has agreed to take over responsibilities. Sven to show him the ropes once Kat has offered her advice. Sven to continue updating it in the meantime.

c.            School Liaison: Rachel to take over this job.

d.            Council Liaison: Kevin to stay on this job, with John as a ‘deputy’.

Kevin is now chairman of Bike Walk Marlborough Trust and John is on the committee. The group acts as to screen applications to council for funding for bike projects. Council has committed most available funds to urban cycle trails.

The club has a revised application for $49,000 for trails in Blenheim and Picton. There has been no forward momentum while the trust sorts its processes out.

e.            MTB Park: Justin will do pruning. Work on new track has begun and progressing well. Should be done within a week. Aim to get some publicity in local paper. Pete will continue to report on the park at committee meetings.

f.             Conders: Aaron will continue to report on it. There has been bad damage in placed at the park by 4x4 drivers. Aaron has emailed Steve Bezaar at council, who said he would look to get concrete blocks and wire rope, however the area needs to be fenced to prevent further damage as there are numerous access points.

g.            Funding: Kevin and Stephen will look after this.

Will seek to clarify if council allows wineries to sponsor sections of track.

h.            Property: Justin will take care of this job.

i.              Picton: John will continue reporting on the Picton tracks.

Two new tracks have been completed and opened. They will carry on with west side track out to the snout next year.

John attended Picton Smart and Connected meeting where people voted for walking/cyclway extension from Picton to Waikawa as top priority.

There is still a load of gravel to be spread on the new track.

j.              Rec Rides: Kevin will continue to organise with Justin’s help when needed. They have been successful so far. Suggested a new name for the rides (i.e. adventure rides).

k.            Downhill/Enduro: Fraser has offered to take up this job. Should tie in with school liason as many of the downhill and endure riders are youngsters. If anyone has contacts for Fraser to please pass them on to the rest of the committee.

l.              Cross Country: Pete to continue with this job.

Soup and Bun series finished and was successful. On Oct 11 a fun treasure hunt type event will be held as a final event in the series, with some spot prizes.

First of Thur eve races on Oct 1. It needs to be found out if the day of the races needs to be changed so it doesn’t clash with track training to get more riders turning up.

9.         General Business: Kathryn is keen to run an ‘intro to the MTB park’ day for beginner riders.

Kevin move the club give Nicola Bright a $100 Fairweathers voucher for her work with our finances. Sven seconded.

Opportunity for an enduro event on the Wither Hills. Chris McKendry has already scouted out routes. Fraser to be approached to help make it happen. Could rent timers from the Orienteering club. Stephen will ask when he attends their AGM.

Pete, Matt and hopefully Fraser to tackle this.

John move the club write a letter of thank to Mondo for being president for two years. Kevin seconded.

Chris Mildon says he could get his MTB skills clinic over to Blenheim.

Club members could help when the MTB Trails Trust do work at Lake Rotoiti.

Meeting closed: 8.45pm Next meeting: October 21.