July minutes

Marlborough Mountain Bike Club

Committee Meeting Minutes for 15 July 2015



1.         Present: Sven Herselman, Aaron Black, Kevin Wilson, Peter Webster, Andrew Benger, Justin Kenward.


2.         Apologies: Mondo Kopua, John Pickering. Accepted – proposed: Aaron. Second: Justin.


3.             Previous Minutes       June, 17 2015.                        Proposed: Andrew. Second: Aaron


4.          Matters Arising: Nil


5.         Treasurers Report: Proposed: Kevin.                   Second: Aaron.


6.            Membership Update:


7.         Correspondence

a. Email dated June 17 from Dale Ashworth RE Endeavour Park AGM minutes

b. Email dated June 18 from Gina Benge RE MTB National Championships – Tender Explenation





8.         Updates          


a.            Publicity: No notice in papers for last Soup n Bun but got 46 people who turned ou.


b.            Website: Sven to take over until AGM. Put notice on Facebook to ask people if they want the track builder. Also ask for deputy time keepers.


c.            School Liaison: Nil


d.            Council Liaison: Robin Dunn wanted to look at Witches Hat track again, but Kevin was away so didn’t happen.


e.            MTB Park: Park is looking good. A little work needed.


f.             Conders: Kevin move Sven call the guy who alerted the newspaper to the wire across the track and thank him.


g.            Funding: Kevin not been able to do another funding application with Mondo yet.


h.            Property: Next auction in October – option for selling the track building machine. Also trying to sell on TradMe again. However, could be used for some track building or maintenance on tracks without roots or rocks.


i.              Picton: New track going well.


j.              Rec Rides: June ride didn’t happen due to misunderstanding. Next on last Sunday in July at Hori Bay. Heaphy Track ride being organised for late Aug, early Sept.


k.            Downhill: Trees down on Double Eagle.


l.                     Cross Country: Soup n Bun series been fantastic so far. Next venue TBA. Sven, Justin, Peter, Andrew to scope Wither Hills for next venue. Sven and Justin taking the lead on arranging the course.


9.         General Business: Sub-committee to meet for Saturday options for next big event. DOC track on near Black Birch 2/3 finished.

Andrew to put notice on Facebook about club clothing.

Ron asked other clubs about what timing programmes they are using in an effort make sure we have a contingency plan for when he is not able to do timing. We need a few deputy time keepers trained, but in the short term we should carry on with the system Ron is using.

When people sign up to an event we use their age on the day.

AGM to be held at Fairweathers on Aug 19 at 7.30pm. Club to provide platters. Rob Kennedy to be asked to do a talk about his rides in Canda.

Meeting closed: 8.50pm

Next meeting: AGM on Aug 19