The final event was a nice and relaxed affair at Valiant vineyard just outside Seddon.
Peter set a mellow course through the vines, which made for some novel riding and included a fun drop off that had many returning to give it a second, third and fourth go. The weather couldn't have been better and the good turn out of young and old had a great time on the 6km course, with most going round two or three times.
Afterwards there were plenty of eats and drinks on offer to enjoy in the glorious late winter sunshine. Most also walked away with lucky draw prizes of gift vouches, bike gear and wine.
In keeping with the relaxed theme there was no time keeping so Ron got a day off.
A big thanks to Peter, Kevin, Ron and everyone involved in putting the series together again this year. It was a great success.
Peter is keen to do more informal and easier rides on a monthly basis. These are aimed at those keen to get out and ride some new areas in a group but aren't up for hard slogs or overly technical terrain, but anyone will of course be welcome. More on this to come.
Photos in the Photo Gallery.