Membership fees for Marlborough Mountain Bike Club for the 2017-2018 Season are now due. 
They are payable through our online store HERE.
If you are unable to pay this way and would like to make a bank deposit, please contact Club Secretary Lowri McNabb HERE.

At the Club AGM held on August 2nd, fees were set as per the schedule below. The slight increase reflects an increased levy per rider payable to MTBNZ allowing us to continue to access insurance cover from Cycling New Zealand.
Your Mountain Bike Club fees go towards building and maintaining tracks in the Marlborough Region. 
Click HERE to be taken to our online store and pay your membership.


Starting in August 2017, we will be changing the way we collect membership fees. All membership fees are payable through our online store HERE. The membership year will run August 1, 2017 - July 31, 2018 and fees are set as follows:

Single Junior (under 18) $20
Single Adult $30
Family $60

2017/18 RACE PLATE


  • The Club welcomes ALL Mountain Bikers, whatever your current level of riding - we have something for everyone throughout the season.
  • Our current members include International Junior and Senior NZ Representatives, recreational riders, some septuagenarian superstars, a huge pile of keen-as youngsters and everything in-between.
  • Members who register before the September 10 deadline will receive a named, numbered Marlborough Mountain Bike Club Race Plate that can be used for club events (see sample on the right).
    Members will receive discounted entry fees to races and series organised by the club throughout the season.


  • Please contact Club Secretary Lowri McNabb HERE with any questions regarding purchasing your membership.
  • Click HERE to be taken to our online store and pay your membership.
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  • If you renew your membership before September 10, you will go into the draw to win a trailbuilding tool.
  • You are automatically entered into the draw when you pay your subscription, and the winner will be drawn at random at the Club Champs on September 24th.
  • Click HERE to be taken to our online store and pay your membership.